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3ème Forum Maroc-Etats Insulaires du Pacifique: Maroc-Royaume du Tonga : Signature à Laâyoune d’une feuille de route-Programme
Laayoune - Several cooperation agreements were signed, Friday in Laayoune, between Morocco and Pacific Island States in order to give a strong impetus to their partnership in various fields.

The agreements were inked by minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, and the heads of delegation of these countries that took part in the 3rd Morocco-Pacific Island States Forum, held on 26-28 February in Laayoune under the sign of the consolidation of cooperation ties, the implementation of commitments made in this regard, the unification of voices and the promotion of shared prosperity.

Morocco and the Kingdom of Tonga signed a series of agreements covering several sectors.

These include a road map-Cooperation Program 2020-2022, committing the two countries to strengthen political dialogue and promote their cooperation in the fields of diplomacy, training and higher education, youth, technical cooperation in key sectors (vocational training, water, health, agriculture, energy, tourism), human development and support for development projects.

The two parties also inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the field of environment and sustainable development covering the strengthening of their bilateral relations on environment and sustainable development, in particular in the areas of biodiversity conservation, integrated coastal zone management, green economy and integrated solid waste management, climate change, environmental education and sustainable development as well as the institutional and legal framework.

Another MoU was signed by the two countries on visa-free travel for holders of diplomatic, official and service passports of both countries, while the third text provides for the establishment of a mechanism for regular political consultations between the two ministries of Foreign Affairs on foreign and international policy issues of common interest.

The fourth memorandum concerns diplomatic training between the Moroccan Academy of Diplomatic Studies (AMED) and the ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tonga, with a view to enabling diplomats from this Pacific country to benefit from diplomatic training courses within AMED.

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