The 6th session of the Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum: Key points of the joint declaration

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The 6th session of the Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum, wich took place on December 20, 2023 culminated in the adoption of a joint declartion.

In the Joint Declaration, The two Foreign Ministers welcomed the role of HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, in supporting Jerusalemites through the programs and projects of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency, the operational arm of Al-Quds Committee.

They also highlighted the role of the presidency of Al-Quds Committee and its efforts to counter the practices of the occupying authorities in the Holy City, as well as the efforts to support the resilience of Jerusalem and Jerusalemites through the programs and projects of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency.

The document emphasized that peace and regional stability will only be achieved by ending the Israeli occupation and giving the Palestinian people their full rights, calling for the convening of an international peace conference, as soon as possible, from which a credible peace process will be launched on the basis of international law, international legitimacy resolutions, the principle of land for peace, and the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002.

The Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum also strongly condemned Israel's ongoing and escalating aggressive war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, targeting civilians and the destruction of residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, infrastructure and United Nations facilities, as well as all Israeli acts subjecting the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip to a blockade that included cutting off all means of life, including water, electricity, food, medicine, and fuel, which constitutes grave violations under the International Humanitarian Law.

The two ministers called upon all States not to establish diplomatic missions in the city of Jerusalem, in compliance with the relevant United Nations resolutions.

The Forum also affirmed that the Palestine Liberation Organization is the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people and called on the Palestinian factions and forces to unite under its umbrella, and everyone should bear their responsibilities in light of a national partnership led by the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The two Foreign Ministers also emphasized its commitment to the unity and sovereignty of the State of Libya and its territorial integrity.

They rejected any interference in the internal affairs of Libya and emphasized the principle of Libyan ownership of the political process.

The Forum also committed to the Libyan Political Agreement signed in Skhirat in 2015 and expressed its rejection of the military solution.

It also called for the support of a comprehensive national reconciliation path sponsored by the Libyan Presidential Council and its efforts to achieve political stability, affirming its support for the efforts to hold Libyan presidential and parliamentary elections simultaneously as soon as possible to meet the aspirations of the Libyan people to achieve security and stability.

Commending the efforts of the Joint Military Committee (5+5) and its efforts to consolidate the ceasefire, as well as the call for the unification of security and military institutions under a unitary executive authority capable of ruling throughout the Libyan territories and representing the Libyan people, the Joint Declaration emphasized the necessity of the evacuation of all foreign forces, foreign fighters and mercenaries from Libyan territories.

The Forum also called for the continued to support all measures that will protect Libya's capabilities, funds, and assets in banks and foreign countries to enable its development until the international measures imposed on them are lifted.

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