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th Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development : Meeting of Mr. Nasser Bourita with his Portuguese counterpart,Mr. Evarist Bartolo
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, held talks with his Maltese counterpart, Mr. Evarist Bartolo, Sunday, March 1st, on the sidelines of the 8th Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development.

Marrakech - Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans abroad, Nasser Bourita, held talks Sunday in Marrakech with his Maltese counterpart, Evarist Bartolo, which focused on the means to further develop cooperation between the two countries. These talks take place on the eve of the 8th Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development (5 + 5 Dialogue), held in Marrakech.

Talks were an opportunity to discuss the ways to consolidate relations between Morocco and Malta bilaterally and at the level of the European Union and the African Union, the Maltese top-diplomat told reporters. "We must work together on trade and development, and for the creation of opportunities here, but also throughout Africa", he said, adding that "the future of Europe and that of Africa are linked, hence the need to work together."

The Ministerial Conference of the 5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration and Development is aimed at initiating a consensual approach to migration issues.

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