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The Under-Secretary-General, High Representative of the United Nations Alliance for Civilizations (UNAOC), Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, affirmed, on November 22, 2022 in Fez, that the Alliance of Civilizations should be an initiative that studies and discovers the similarities and synergies that exist philosophically, religiously and practically between different cultures and religions, while helping to distinguish and identify their differences.

Mr. Moratinos explained that these differences must be resolved in an open dialogue and in a peaceful manner in order to find solutions and avoid that they are manipulated and used as a source of controversy.

Therefore, the Alliance of Civilizations can precisely serve as a platform to facilitate the understanding and respect of each of our cultures and civilizations, which need each other anyway to survive in the future, he added.

In this regard, he argued, the meeting in Fez is an opportunity to defend more than ever the need for an alliance of peace between different civilizations, commending the "full support of HM King Mohammed VI and His leadership in organizing this Forum."

"We, citizens of the world, should be able to express ourselves with a sufficient level of maturity and development and make a leap towards building a terminology and a positive political action. In the face of negative concepts and attitudes, we must defend a new positive vocabulary," stressed the UN official.

The world, he noted, is not witnessing a clash of civilizations, but a clash of interests and ignorance, as well as clashes and struggles for hegemony and to obtain areas of influence, which it is necessary to combat through a dialogue and a meeting of civilizations.

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