The Arab Ministerial Council thus instructed the General Secretariat of the Arab League to coordinate with the Ministerial Councils and the Arab bodies concerned, in order to draw up an appended document which will be inserted in the "Global Plan for the fight against military recruitment children in armed and terrorist conflicts".
The annex, a draft of which will be submitted to the next session of the Council, should address the legal, human and human rights dimensions of the fight against the recruitment of children in armed conflicts.
The decision is based on the call launched by the Arab League, in November 2021, on the occasion of the World Children's Day.
Moreover, through the articles relating to the fight against terrorism, the ministerial meeting called for continuing to benefit from the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema and the Mohammed VI Institute for the Training of Imams, Morchidines and Morchidates.
The Council also welcomed the establishment in Morocco of the United Nations Programme Office for Counter-terrorism and Training in Africa, as well as the co-chairmanship of the Kingdom, alongside Canada, of the Global Counterterrorism Forum.