AU PRC: Morocco Insists on Compliance with AU Norms, Rules and Procedures

Speaking at the first meeting of the AU Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) under the chairmanship of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to the AU and UNECA, Mohamed Arrouchi, stressed the need for strict application of the rules and procedures and not to make any concessions regarding deviations from them.
"In order to prevent the reformed African Union from being reduced to unfortunate replications of previous reform attempts," the Moroccan diplomat called for the establishment of a system of management and evaluation of the skills and performance of AU officials, based on results and performance obligations.
Arrouchi pleaded in this sense for a zero tolerance in case the rules, standards and procedures of the African Union are flouted, the objective being to improve the effectiveness of the action of the pan-African organization.
To achieve this objective, the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom recalled the importance of good administrative and financial governance, as well as the credibility and transparency of the intergovernmental process.