Notifications (3)
- AU Summit: Morocco Reiterates Commitment to Principles of Good Neighborliness & Non-Interference, Emphasizes Pressing Need of Combating Terrorist & Separatist Groups
- Morocco Remains Committed to Joint African Action in Service of Africa’s Noble Causes, Its Citizens’ Vital Interests
- AU-PSC Heads of State Meeting: Morocco Firmly Opposes Military Solution to Sudanese Crisis

Tuesday 24 November 2020
Austria has praised Morocco's commitment to the ceasefire agreement signed in 1991 and monitored since then by MINURSO.
In its Ministry of Foreign Affairs Twitter account, Austria expressed its support for the efforts of the Secretary General of the United Nations to avoid an escalation of tensions in the Sahara.
Austria also called on the parties to resume the political process under the aegis of the United Nations.
Thus, the Republic of Austria is added to the long list of countries which have paid tribute to Morocco's commitment to the ceasefire.