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Azerbaijan Best Awards Granted to Moroccan Ambassador in Baku
Morocco's ambassador to Azerbaijan Adil Embarch was granted the "Azerbaijan Best Awards" in the "Ambassadors" category for the period 2018-2019.

The prize-awarding ceremony took place recently in Baku in the presence of several figures from the political, economic, cultural and media spheres, said a statement from the Embassy of Morocco on Tuesday. During the ceremony, the organizers paid tribute to the Moroccan diplomat for his commitment to the development of relations between Morocco and Azerbaijan, the same source said. For his part, Embarch thanked the members of the jury and the organizers for this honor. He also stressed that the award goes to all members of the Moroccan Embassy in Baku who work tirelessly to develop and diversify relations between the two brotherly peoples. The Azerbaijan Best Awards are granted every two years in different categories such as education, medicine, business, culture, art, science, architecture, sport, fashion industry and media.

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