Benin Welcomes Great Restraint of Government of Morocco in El Guergarat

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Cotonou - The Government of Benin welcomed the great restraint shown by the Kingdom of Morocco thanks to which an escalation of tension in El Guergarat was avoided.

In a letter sent by the Beninese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Mr. Aurélien A. Agbenonci, to the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita,

the Government of Benin said that it follows closely the situation of tension in the buffer zone of El Guergarat induced by frictions which interrupted movement and caused acts violating public order and peace. 

Benin lauded the pacifist attitude adopted by the Kingdom of Morocco, which has once again proved its attachment to peace and to the development of the region and of Africa. 

Reiterating its support for Morocco, the Government of Benin also reaffirmed "its attachment to the political process, under the exclusive aegis of the United Nations, intended to find a political, pragmatic and lasting solution, on the basis of the relevant resolutions of the Security Council".

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