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Inauguration à Rabat de l'Exposition des FAR sur la contribution du Maroc aux opérations de maintien de la paix et à l'action humanitaire dans le monde
Rabat - The public exhibition marking 60 years of "Contribution of the Kingdom of Morocco to Peacekeeping Operations and Humanitarian Action Worldwide", organized by the Royal Armed Forces (FAR), was inaugurated, Friday in Rabat, in the presence of representatives of the UN and the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Rabat as well as senior officers of the FAR General Staff.

This exhibition, organized under the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of FAR General Staff, illustrates Morocco's permanent commitment, since 1960, to serving international peace and security, and highlights the experience and expertise acquired by Moroccan peacekeepers to promote the universal values of solidarity, dignity, and humanitarian assistance, through the deployment of FAR contingents under the aegis of the United Nations in different continents.

Held on the sidelines of the 45th Anniversary of the Green March and the 75th Anniversary of the UN inception, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates and the United Nations Office in Rabat, the exhibition also highlights the humanitarian dimension of solidarity of the Kingdom of Morocco marked essentially by the deployment of FAR Medical and Surgical Field Hospitals and the delivery of direct humanitarian aid to the populations of countries affected by crises or natural disasters worldwide.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of this event, Major General Abdesslam Kdali of the FAR General Inspection indicated that this unique exhibition illustrates the Kingdom's commitment to the service of peace and security in the world and highlights the expertise gained by Moroccan peacekeepers.

On the field, the participation of the FAR in peacekeeping operations is shown in missions that are both comprehensive and diversified, he said, citing the resettlement and protection of displaced populations and refugees, the surveillance of buffer zones, the escort of humanitarian convoys and the restoration of order and humanitarian assistance.

During all these missions, the participation of the FAR contingents was each time greeted by the United Nations and favorably welcomed by the local populations, underlined Major General Abdesslam Kdal, recalling the deployment by the Kingdom of several field hospitals, eight of which were visited by the Sovereign to inquire about the services offered to local populations.

The exhibition presents a retrospective of Morocco's commitment for more than 60 years to the UN peacekeeping effort throughout the world while respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of States, he explained.

The Resident Coordinator of the United Nations for development in Morocco Sylvia Lopez-Ekra affirmed that this exhibition recalls, by combining art and memory, that sixty years ago, Morocco committed resolutely alongside the UN to maintain world peace and security, noting that today the Kingdom is one of the most important contributors to UN peacekeeping operations, a contribution hailed by Secretary General Antonio Guterres during his visit to Morocco in December 2018.

She also paid a heartfelt tribute and expressed all the gratitude, on behalf of the United Nations, to the Moroccan peacekeepers, deployed under the UN blue flag, in difficult areas and amid the pandemic, to preserve peace, adding that these Moroccans are part of a million women and men who have served as United Nations peacekeepers since 1948.

The UN official also affirmed that Morocco is today one of the champions of multilateralism, and has carried, on the occasion of the 75th session of the General Assembly, a strong message by reaffirming its faith in multilateralism and its support for UN action for a world of peace and justice, intercultural dialogue, and solidarity-based cooperation for sustainable development and a prosperous Africa.

Based on its commitment to multilateralism, the Kingdom was involved very early, in 1960, in peacekeeping, which it considers to be one of the most effective tools for the preservation of peace and international security, he noted.

The exhibition, which will be visited Friday afternoon by military attachés accredited to Rabat, retraces the contribution of the Kingdom to the defense and promotion of human values and ideals and is an extension of long-standing traditions and values and the duty of solidarity with different peoples to support international legitimacy and contribute to the triumph of the principles of law, legality and humanitarianism.

Enhanced by Royal quotes and testimonies of senior UN officials and force commanders, the exhibition is developed according to a new scenography concept based on a central space dedicated to the visits made by the Sovereign to the military field hospitals deployed by the FAR in Gabon, Niger, Congo Brazzaville, Jordan (Zaatari), Mali, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and South Sudan, symbol of an active Royal solidarity. A video report of these visits is also showcased.

In addition, over than 300 photographs and objects have been carefully selected and harmoniously arranged through 30 computer graphic panels to illustrate the commitment of the FAR in the fields of peacekeeping and humanitarian action.

Similarly, the exhibition sheds light on the FAR's expertise in peacekeeping training for the benefit of friendly countries. The visit of the exhibition ends with a special space paying tribute to the Martyrs of the FAR who died in UN Peacekeeping operations.

More than 74,000 Moroccan peacekeepers participated in 14 UN peacekeeping missions and 17 military field hospitals were deployed in 14 countries providing over 2,650,000 medical services to local populations and refugees.

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