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Covid-19. M. Nasser Bourita : le Maroc rejette "l'opportunisme politique" d'un Etat européen sur le cas des détenteurs de la double nationalité
Rabat, (MoFA)- Morocco rejects the "political opportunism" of a European state over the repatriation of Moroccans holding dual nationality, in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, said on Thursday Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Mr. Nasser Bourita.

"The Moroccan at home enjoys all the rights and assumes all the obligations like his compatriots. He does not need the protection, nor the supervision of the embassy of a third country", he told MAP after a meeting of the Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Islamic Affairs and Moroccan Expatriates.

In this context, he recalled that the Kingdom is not against the principle of the return of its nationals in their countries of residence through professional ties or for family or health considerations, away from all political ulterior motives.

If Belgium has adhered to this logic, the Netherlands has from the start displayed an opposite and discriminatory attitude towards Moroccans holding dual nationality, before wanting to defend their rights before the Moroccan state, said the Minister.

It was only after around thirty flights to repatriate Dutch people that the Netherlands began to take an interest in Moroccans with dual nationality based in the north of the Kingdom, said the official.

In this regard, he affirmed that Morocco refuses that foreign parties use politically opportunistic approach in order to exploit the current exceptional situation to demand a right that is irrelevant. The debate raised by certain parties on the question of dual nationality "can only be unhealthy with well-known ulterior motives".

Referring to the conditions for the repatriation of foreigners, the Minister considered that "the operation took place in good conditions, except for a country which showed political opportunism".

The Kingdom is making sure to facilitate the repatriation of foreigners stranded on its territory and has responded favorably to requests made by several countries in this regard, he said.

This is the case of some forty countries which have also repatriated Moroccans residing on their territories.

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