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Covid-19 : Note Verbale aux Missions diplomatiques et Organisations internationales accréditées au Maroc
Rabat, (MoFA) - As part of the measures implemented by the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco, since the past few weeks, to keep the Coronavirus under control and stymie its spread, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, sent, on Friday March 20, 2020, a note verbale to the Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations accredited in Morocco, here is its content:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, presents its compliments to the Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations accredited in Morocco and has the honor to bring to their attention the following:

 1. In order to keep the Coronavirus under control and stymie its spread, the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco has implemented, since the past few weeks, a series  of measures.

2. In this context, the state of health emergency is decreed as of Friday 20 March 2020, at 6:00 p.m.  This decision will result in a general and drastic restriction on the movement of people, applicable to all and throughout the national territory.

3. For this reason, the members and personnel of the Diplomatic and consular missions, and international Organizations accredited in Morocco, are invited to confine themselves in their residences and to go out only for the reasons defined by the general regulation, namely:

  • To go to work, for the people whose presence at the workplace is necessary.
  • To go out to buy necessary products to the everyday life in the perimeter of the place of residence.
  • To receive the medical care or to get the medicines from a nearby pharmacy.

4. In this context, the Heads of the Diplomatic and consular missions, and international Organizations accredited in Morocco are invited to reduce to the maximum the number of their personnel present in their respective buildings.

5. Heads of Diplomatic and consular missions, and international Organizations accredited in Morocco, are invited to identify the members who will ensure the continuity of the service, and to provide them with a certificate duly signed and sealed by the Chief of the mission, justifying the need to move, during the control procedures by the police forces.

6. Finally, members and personnel of Diplomatic missions and international Organizations accredited in Morocco, are requested to conform to the regulation and the general measures.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Co-operation and  Moroccan Expatriates, seizes this opportunity to renew the assurances of its highest consideration to the Diplomatic missions and international Organizations accredited in Morocco.

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