Earthquake: HM the King Sends Message of Thanks to Head of Contingent of Spanish Military Rescue Unit

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His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, sent a message of thanks to Lieutenant-Colonel Juan Saldana, head of the contingent of Spain's Military Rescue Unit, which took part in rescue and relief efforts following the earthquake that struck the Al Haouz region.

In the message, HM the King praised the active and effective participation of the members of the Spanish rescue team who, alongside their Moroccan brothers, deployed all their efforts and resources during the search and rescue operations.

These efforts "deeply touched Us and the Moroccan people," emphasized His Majesty the King.

The Sovereign also expresses His great pride and appreciation for this generous participation, which embodies the depth of the ties of solid friendship and active solidarity between the Spanish and Moroccan peoples.

The Sovereign expresses, on His own behalf and on behalf of the Moroccan people, His heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude to the Spanish rescue workers for their generous efforts and the recognized professionalism they displayed during these operations.

HM the King charged Lieutenant-Colonel Saldana with conveying His personal gratitude and that of the entire Moroccan people to all the members of the Spanish contingent, who have shown courage and selflessness, and demonstrated the depth of the feelings of sincere affection and active solidarity they feel for their second country.

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