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Fès abritera le Sommet mondial de l'Alliance des civilisations du 29 novembre au 2 décembre 2020 (Moratinos)
The city of Fez has been chosen to host the World Summit of the Alliance of Civilizations scheduled from November 29 to December 02, 2020, said, on Friday in Rabat, High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) Miguel Angel Moratinos.

"The city of Fez was chosen in view of its centuries-old aspect and its spiritual symbolism," said Mortinos in a statement to the press.

after his talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad Nasser Bourita. "The need to save the planet is often mentioned, but we are also called upon to learn to live together, to respect each other and to understand the existence of different religions, cultures and civilizations, and Morocco embodies this", said the UN official. During this summit, the first to be organized in Africa and which coincides with the fifteenth anniversary of the creation of the Alliance of Civilizations, the action of the Alliance since its inception will be evaluated and preparations will be made for an action program for humanity, he said.

Expressing his gratitude to the support of HM King Mohammed VI and the Kingdom of Morocco for this global event, the UNAOC High Representative affirmed that thanks to the efforts of the United Nations and Morocco, "we guarantee a great success at the World Summit of the Alliance of Civilizations".

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