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Bouznika - The delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and House of Representatives agreed on Saturday in Bouznika on the formation and appointment of reduced work teams to take practical measures regarding holders of positions of sovereignty.

In the final statement issued following a new round of the Libyan Dialogue, the two parties said that this meeting focused on the revision of what was agreed on the implementation of the article 15 of the 2015 Skhirat Political Agreement.

The work teams will in particular ensure the development of application forms and invite candidates to present their files which must meet the agreed criteria and conditions, the statement underlines, noting that these teams will also ensure that the applications comply with the criteria and conditions put in place as they will receive the application forms and the curriculum vitae of the candidates from January 26, 2021 at noon until February 2 (end of the day).

According to the same source, the positions of sovereignty concerned are those of governor of the central bank and his deputy, chairman of the administrative control authority and his deputy, chairman of the audit office and his deputy, chairman of the Anti-Corruption Authority and his deputy, in addition to the post of chairman of the Libyan High Electoral Commission.

The statement stresses the need to respect the criteria of competence and professionalism and to ensure the geographical balance so as to ensure a fair distribution of all senior positions in State institutions (government, leadership positions in economic and service institutions, in addition to those of sovereignty).

Appointments to these positions end as soon as the preliminary stage is closed, since the prerogatives will be restored to the elected authorities and to the government responsible for these authorities.

Regarding the posts of President of the Supreme Court and Prosecutor General, the statement underlines that the measures stipulated in the laws in force will be applied.

The members of the two delegations expressed their thanks and gratitude to His Majesty King Mohammed VI and to the Kingdom of Morocco for the continued support for the efforts in favor of the stability of Libya.

This new round of dialogue took place following the previous sessions held by the two parties in September, October and November 2020 in Bouznika and Tangier, which led to the conclusion of "comprehensive agreements on the criteria and mechanisms for occupying positions of sovereignty, provided for by article 15 of the Libyan Political Agreement concluded in December 2015 in Skhirat ".

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