First Session of Morocco-Comoros Joint Commission: 11 Cooperation Agreements, MoUs Signed in Dakhla

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1ére session de la Grande commission mixte Maroc-Union des Comores: signature de 11 conventions de coopération et mémorandums d'entente
The 1st session of the Morocco-Comoros Joint Commission, co-chaired on March 31, 2022 in Dakhla, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Union of the Comoros, in charge of the Diaspora, Mr. Dhoihir Dkhoulkamal, was marked by the signing of eleven cooperation agreements and memorandums of understanding.

Here are the eleven agreements, conventions and memoranda of understanding signed by the two countries:

1- Convention for the Elimination of Double Taxation in Income Taxation and for the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Fraud.

2- Agreement for the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments with the aim of promoting investment which contributes to sustainable development, encouraging the transfer of technologies, creating jobs strengthening contacts between the private sector of both parties.

3- Cooperation agreement in the sector of tourism: It seeks to promote and strengthen tourist flows between the two countries.

4- Executive program of the Islamic cooperation agreement for the years 2022-2023-2024: It tends to exchange visits between the two parties to participate in congresses, seminars and Islamic meetings that will take place in their respective countries.

5- Protocol for cooperation in fisheries and aquaculture: Its purpose is to establish the principles and procedures for implementing cooperation in the areas of training, technical and scientific research in the sectors of fishieries, shipping, aquaculture and processing industries for fishery and aquaculture products between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Union of the Comoros.

6 - Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the area of employment and labour: Its objective is to develop technical cooperation in the areas of employment promotion and decent work through the implementation of projects in the aforementioned areas in a partnership framework and the encouragement of the exchange of experience in these areas as well as the exchange of information and documentation, as well as the promotion of South-South cooperation in partnership with other international organizations.

7- Framework cooperation agreement in the sectors of energy, mining and geology: It constitutes a cooperation framework aimed at developing cooperation in the sectors of energy, renewable energies, hydrocarbons, mining and geology.

8- Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the commercial field: It aims to promote and develop trade between the two countries.

9- Framework agreement on the granting of academic scholarships, internships and sharing of expertise: It aims to further promote cooperation between the two sides in the cultural, scientific, technical and socio-economic fields through the exchange of students, the granting of scholarships, the organization of training courses, sending experts and the exchange of visits by officials.

10- Memorandum of Understanding in the sector of higher education and scientific research: It aims to strengthen and intensify cooperation relations in higher education and scientific research between the two countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

11 - Framework agreement in the field of national territorial planning, town planning, housing and town policy: Its objective is to develop bilateral cooperation between the two sides in terms of land planning, urban planning, housing and city policy.

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