First 'V4 + Morocco' Ministerial Meeting of Visegrád Group Opens in Budapest

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Tenue à Budapest de la 1ère réunion ministérielle "V4 Maroc" du Groupe de Visegrád
The first "V4 + Morocco" ministerial meeting of the Visegrád Group opened, Tuesday, December 07, 2021, in Budapest with the objective of discussing the means to strengthen the ties of cooperation between the Kingdom and this intergovernmental organization which brings together four Central European countries, namely Hungary, Poland, Czechia and Slovakia.

Morocco is represented at this meeting by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita.

The Visegrád Group (V4), which has succeeded in establishing itself as a major alliance within the EU, occasionally widens its work to other partners within the framework of so-called "V4 +" formats, depending on the European and international priorities of the Group's presidency.

The first "V4 + Morocco" ministerial meeting is intended to discuss ways to further develop relations with the Kingdom in various fields and raising them to the level of a rich and multifaceted partnership.

The Hungarian presidency of the Visegrád Group for the 2021-2022 period indeed emphasizes the strengthening of cooperation with Morocco and the successful implementation of ongoing joint projects with the Kingdom.

For Morocco, the strengthening of cooperative links with the Visegrád Group is in line with the strategy of diversifying its international partnerships, inspired by the Royal Vision.

In addition to its traditional partners within the EU, Morocco seeks to open up to new EU Member States, including the countries of the "V4", a grouping whose influence continues to increase since its creation on February 15, 1991 in the Hungarian city of Visegrád.

Initially, the "V4" Group was created with the aim of accelerating the process of integration into the EU and NATO.

Since achieving these objectives in 1999 and 2004 respectively, the Visegrád Group has continued to defend within the EU the interests of Central Europe, while positioning itself on various priority issues for the Bloc.

The "V4 + Morocco" ministerial meeting is also an opportunity to engage in discussions on several issues of common interest and to debate the means to jointly addressing current challenges.

Political dialogue between the Kingdom and the member countries of the Visegrád Group has strengthened over the past few years, which led to the increase in high-level visits and the holding of regular political consultations.

On the economic side, cooperation between Morocco and Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia is reflected in a common desire to boost trade and investments.

Relations between the Kingdom and the "V4" Group continue to expand, encompassing various areas, including security and defense, energy, science, nuclear technology, justice and culture.

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