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The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Sovereignty and Integration Standing Committee of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Mr. Armando Armas, expressed his support to Morocco for its peaceful intervention and in full compliance with the international legality to end the blockade by polisario militias in the region of El Guergarat.

In a statement on the occasion of the Independence Day of Morocco, the President of the Commission said "we note with concern the serious acts and provocations by the polisario militias in El Guerguerat, with the aim of disrupting free civil and commercial movement, without any respect for MINURSO personnel".

He added that these acts, perpetrated in the presence of the United Nations military observers established with MINURSO, represent "a contempt for the resolutions approved by the UN Security Council and the calls by the UN Secretary-General and the international community".

Mr. Armando Armas reiterated its "condemnation of the support by the illegitimate Chavist regime for the polisario separatists, thus standing, as usual, on the side of the region's destabilization, instead of supporting constructive and peaceful solutions and efforts to ensure respect of the principles of international law".

Mr. Armas also called for "a political, definitive, realistic and lasting solution" to the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara, on the basis of the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco which was described by the UN Security Council as serious and credible.

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