GCC Supreme Council Reiterates Firm Positions Supporting Moroccan Sahara

Friday 09 December 2022
The Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States (GCC) reiterated, on December 09, 2022, in Riyadh, its firm positions and decisions in favor of the Moroccan Sahara and the preservation of the security and stability of the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as its territorial integrity.
The Supreme Council stressed, at the end of its 43rd session held in Riyadh, "the importance of the privileged strategic partnership between the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Kingdom of Morocco, the implementation of the joint action plan and its firm positions and decisions in favor of the Moroccanness of the Sahara and the preservation of the security and stability of the Kingdom of Morocco and its territorial integrity."
The GCC Supreme Council also welcomed the UN Security Council resolution 2654 of 27 October 2022 concerning the Moroccan Sahara.