Guinea-Bissau encourages Morocco's action for peaceful stabilization in El Guergarat

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La Guinée-Bissau encourage l’action du Maroc pour la stabilisation pacifique à El Guergarat
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and the Diaspora of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau is following with great concern the evolution of the security situation in the area of El Guergarat.

In a statement published on November 17, the Bissau-Guinean Ministry encouraged "Morocco's action for the peaceful stabilization in El Guergarat, with a view to avoiding confrontation, while considering the quickest return to the path of negotiations for the resolution of the crisis ".

The Ministry underlined, in the same statement, that "the Republic of Guinea Bissau remains available to support all international efforts under the aegis of the United Nations in order to reach a politically consensual and lasting solution to this conflict".

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