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HM the King, Amir Al-Mouminine, grants His exceptional grace to 201 foreign African prisoners, condemned by the various Courts of the Kingdom
Wednesday, January 29, 2020. His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, granted His exceptional grace to 201 foreign African detainees, sentenced by the various courts of the Kingdom, said a press release from the Ministry of Justice on Wednesday.

Here is the text:

“His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al-Mouminine, may God perpetuate His glory, granted His exceptional royal grace to a group of foreign African prisoners, condemned by the various Courts of the Kingdom. These people are 201 inmates.

This honorable grace is part of the human approach of His Majesty, inspired by the process of mercy and mercy of his grandfather the Prophet Mohammed – May Allah’s greetings and blessings be upon him – for humanitarian reasons for the benefit of elderly prisoners or those suffering from illnesses. This royal pardon is also an encouragement for those who have shown good behavior and good behavior during the period of the execution of their imposed sentence, respecting the laws and standards in force, and who have responded favorably to rehabilitation and reintegration programs.

As a result, all necessary measures have been taken to facilitate the operations of their return to their countries.

May God grant glory and greatness to His Majesty the King, fulfill the benefits of His health, and preserve His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, as well as all the members of the Royal Family ”.

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