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  Dans ce message, le Souverain exprime au nouveau président zambien Ses chaleureuses félicitations et Ses sincères vœux de plein succès dans l’exercice de ses hautes fonctions.  Sa Majesté le Roi a salué la confiance placée en la personne de M. Hakainde Hichilema pour réaliser les aspirations du peuple zambien à davantage de progrès et de prospérité.  A cette occasion, SM le Roi a réaffirmé Sa ferme détermination à œuvrer de concert avec M. Hakainde Hichilema pour consolider les relations de fraternité et
His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a congratulatory message to Hakainde Hichilema on the occasion of his election as president of the Republic of Zambia.

In this message, the Sovereign expressed to the new President of Zambia His heartfelt congratulations and sincere wishes for full success in fulfilling his mission.

His Majesty the King praised the confidence placed in the person of Hakainde Hichilema to achieve the aspirations of the Zambian people for further progress and prosperity.

On this occasion, His Majesty the King reaffirmed his firm determination to work together with Hakainde Hichilema to consolidate the relations of fraternity and fruitful cooperation uniting the two countries and to promote them in order to encompass the various areas in the service of the interests of both brotherly peoples and for the good of the African continent.

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