His Majesty the King congratulates Yoshihide Suga on His Appointment as Japan PM

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Sa Majesté le Roi félicite M. Yoshihide Suga suite à sa nomination Premier ministre du Japon
Rabat - His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to Yoshihide Suga, Prime Minister of Japan, on the precious trust placed in his person to assume the presidency of his country's government.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses to Suga His sincere wishes for full success in his high office, noting that the vast experience and political acumen he has acquired will be of great help to him in serving his country in a way that will enhance its important status regionally and internationally.

Given the fruitful cooperation and close bonds between the two countries, HM the King underlines His strong determination to work together with the Japanese Prime Minister to strengthen these distinguished ties for the mutual benefit of the two friendly peoples.

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