His Majesty the King Launches Construction Works of Agadir Psychiatric Hospital

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Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI
Agadir - His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, on Friday launched in Agadir the construction works of the city's psychiatric hospital, a project that is part of the implementation of the urban development program of the city of Agadir (2020-2024), launched last Tuesday by the Sovereign.

This project, which requires an investment of 55 million Dirhams, shows the particular importance attached by the Sovereign to the health sector, through the development of hospital infrastructure and the strengthening of primary health services.

This project, which requires an investment of 55 million Dirhams, shows the particular importance attached by the Sovereign to the health sector, through the development of hospital infrastructure and the strengthening of primary health services.

It aims to strengthen the supply of psychiatry, medical and paramedical training, and improve the care of patients with mental disorders, in line with the strategy of the ministry of Health in this area, which provides for the creation of regional hospitals specializing in psychiatry in Agadir (the project being launched), Kénitra and El Kelaâ des Sraghna.

With a capacity of 120 beds, the future facility will be built on a 25,097 m2 site and will include a day hospital, psychiatric services, child psychiatry, geriatrics, a forensic medicine, drug-related illnesses, an outpatient and an inpatient units (men/women/children), in addition to an emergency service.

This project will consolidate the offer of psychiatric care, which currently includes three psychiatric services in the provincial Hospitals of Inezgane, Taroudante and Tiznit, and an addiction treatment Centre in Agadir.

It will make it possible to ensure greater complementarity in the health map at the level of the Region, which is also seeing its medical infrastructure strengthened, in particular through the project to build the Agadir University Hospital Centre (CHU) that will house the future Agadir Psychiatric Hospital.

Responding to the aspirations and expectations of the populations of the region, the Agadir University Hospital, whose overall rate of progress has reached 32 pc, mobilizes a budget of about 2,330 million dirhams and is built on an area of 30 hectares (127,196 m2 covered), on a plot of land located near the Faculty of medicine and pharmacy.

The future University Hospital Center, with a total capacity of 867 beds, will include a day Hospital, a hospitalization pole, 48 consultation and functional exploration rooms, a surgery pole, the regional oncology Center and the psychiatric Hospital of Agadir.

As a third-generation reference hospital, this project will undoubtedly contribute to the development of hospital infrastructure in the Souss-Massa region and the strengthening of basic health services to bring them closer to citizens who will no longer need to travel to other towns for complicated surgery or certain difficult pathologies.

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