His Majesty the King Orders Dispatching Emergency Humanitarian Aid To Lebanon

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Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI
Rabat - His Majesty King Mohammed VI has given today his High Instructions for sending emergency medical and humanitarian aid to the Lebanese Republic, following the tragic explosion in the port of Beirut, claiming several victims and significant material damage.

The Sovereign gave His High Instructions for sending and deploying a military field hospital in Beirut in order to provide emergency medical care to the populations injured in this incident.

This field hospital is made up of 100 people, including 14 doctors from various specialties (ICU specialists, surgeons, traumatologists, ENT specialists, ophthalmologists, burn treatment specialists, neurosurgeons, pediatricians, pharmacist), specialized nurses and support staff. It will house an operating room, hospitalization, radiology and sterilization units, a laboratory and a pharmacy.

Moroccan aid also includes a batch of first-aid drugs, food products (canned food, legumes, powdered milk, oil, sugar, etc.), tents and blankets for the accommodating disaster victims. It also includes preventive medical equipment against Covid-19, notably protective masks, visors, coats and hydro-alcoholic gel.

HM King Mohammed VI sent on Tuesday a message of condolences and compassion to the President of the Lebanese Republic Michel Aoun, in which the Sovereign expressed, on his behalf and that of the Moroccan people, His sincere feelings of compassion and solidarity with Lebanon in these difficult times, assuring him that the Kingdom of Morocco stands by the side of the brotherly Lebanese people.

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