Notifications (3)
- AU Summit: Morocco Reiterates Commitment to Principles of Good Neighborliness & Non-Interference, Emphasizes Pressing Need of Combating Terrorist & Separatist Groups
- Morocco Remains Committed to Joint African Action in Service of Africa’s Noble Causes, Its Citizens’ Vital Interests
- AU-PSC Heads of State Meeting: Morocco Firmly Opposes Military Solution to Sudanese Crisis

"Your Excellency Cheikh Niang, Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to express, once again, my sincere thanks and appreciation to the esteemed Chairman of the Committee and its respected members for the sincere efforts they are making within the Committee’s remit to support the Palestinian cause and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.
On many occasions in the past, I affirmed our immutable position regarding the justness of the Palestinian cause, which remains the central element of the conflict in the Middle East. Indeed, the region’s stability and prosperity hinge on achieving an equitable, lasting solution to this just cause, in accordance with the two-state solution based on the June 4, 1967 borders and in keeping with the resolutions of international legitimacy. I should like to take this opportunity to reiterate our full solidarity with the Palestinian people and our support for their legitimate right to establish an independent, viable state that coexists in peace and security with Israel.
I should like to point out, in this respect, that the Moroccan position does not change according to circumstances; nor is it governed by some pointless political outbidding tactics. Rather, it is the embodiment of a conviction which is deeply rooted in the consciousness of the Moroccan people and which is backed by serious, purposeful diplomatic endeavours as well as tangible work on the ground for the benefit of the just cause of Palestine and of Al-Quds al-Sharif. In the letter I sent on December 18, 2020 to my brother, His Excellency Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, I stressed that the Moroccan position in support of the Palestinian cause remains unchanged. It is a position based on the two-state solution which is agreed by the international community and on commitment to negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli parties as the sole means to achieve a final, lasting and comprehensive solution to this conflict.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Over the last few years, there has been an important shift in the work of the Committee as it has pressed ahead with its efforts to discharge its responsibilities regarding the Palestinian cause and the rights of the Palestinian people. The Committee has sought to do this through the annual programs it draws up, and the Kingdom of Morocco has had the honour of sponsoring one of them on Al-Quds. However, this year’s celebration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People takes on special importance because it is taking place under intricate, highly complex regional and international circumstances.
Seven years have now passed since direct negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides stopped. During that period, trust between the two parties has vanished. That trust could have been leveraged to implement the solution desired by the international community.
The impasse in the Middle East peace process places a heavy burden as well as a great responsibility on the international community - and more particularly on the influential countries - to overcome the complex, intertwined obstacles that prevent any breakthrough in the political domain. The unfortunate clashes that took place in the region last May, causing innocent victims on both sides, was one of the manifestations of the impasse impeding a political settlement.
I therefore call, once again, for the launching of an intensive and effective diplomatic effort to get the parties back to the negotiating table in order to settle the Palestinian issue within the framework of the two-state solution and thus build a promising future for upcoming Palestinian and Israeli generations. Until the appropriate conditions for a settlement of the conflict are in place, trust between the two sides must be nurtured. However, no matter how sincere the intentions may be, no effort can succeed in the face of unilateral measures that destroy the chances of peace and fuel violence and hatred.
In this respect, Morocco will press ahead with its efforts - building on its status and its constructive relations with all the parties concerned and with the influential powers – in order to bring about the right conditions for a return to the negotiating table as the only means to put an end to the conflict and ensure security and stability in the Middle-East region. Ladies and Gentlemen,
Just as I call on the international community to help the two parties build trust and refrain from any practices that undermine the peace process, I am calling for the preservation of the Arab and Islamic identity of Al-Quds as well as its legal, demographic and historical status. It is important to make sure the holy city is open to the followers of the monotheistic religions, who should coexist in an environment where fraternity, affection and peace prevail. As the Chairman of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Al-Quds Committee, I have been doing my utmost and using all possible means to preserve the special, unique status of the holy city as a the meeting point of the three revealed religions and as a common heritage of humanity - a land of coexistence and cohesion, as stated in the Appeal for Jerusalem, which I signed with His Holiness Pope Francis during his visit to the Kingdom of Morocco on March 30, 2019.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I note, with regret, that Palestinian reconciliation is still not back on track, after years of division. This does not serve the just Palestinian cause. I therefore call, once again, on our Palestinian brothers - whatever their affiliation - to put aside their differences and expedite Palestinian reconciliation so as to serve the lofty national Palestinian goal. I should like, in this regard, to express my full support for the Palestinian National Authority, under the leadership of my brother President Mahmoud Abbas, in its efforts to fulfil the aspirations of the Palestinian people for freedom, independence, unity and prosperity.
I commend the esteemed Committee on its sincere endeavours and reiterate my full support for its praiseworthy efforts to uphold legitimate Palestinian rights and contribute to the action of the international community to achieve peace, stability, coexistence and prosperity for the benefit of all peoples in the region. I wish you every success.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh."