HM the King Congratulates Queen Elizabeth II on her Platinum Jubilee

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SM le Roi adresse un message de félicitations à la Reine Elizabeth II à l'occasion de son jubilé de platine
His Majesty King Mohammed VI has sent a message of congratulations to HM Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee, which marks the 70 th anniversary of her reign.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses His heartfelt congratulations to HM Queen Elizabeth II, as well as His wishes for continued good health and happiness to all members of the Royal Family.

"Your Majesty's 70-year reign has seen remarkable achievements. Ever since your accession to the throne, you have served your people with unwavering dedication, whatever the circumstances. You have also shown great wisdom in all you have undertaken," HM the King wrote in the message.

"Your devotion to duty has unquestionably earned Your Majesty the love and esteem of your people," the Sovereign added.

HM the King also praised the vibrant, diversified relations that Morocco and the United Kingdom enjoy, saying that "prospects for future cooperation are even more promising."

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