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HM King Mohammed VI sent a message of compassion and condolences to the family members of the late Khalid Naciri, Ambassador of His Majesty the King to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

In this message, the Sovereign says he learnt with great emotion and deep sadness the death of Professor Khalid Naciri, who joined His Lord after a rich life of continuous dedication and self-sacrifice in the service of his country.


In this painful circumstance, HM the King expresses to the members of the family of the deceased, to all his relatives and to his great national political family, notably to the Party of Progress and Socialism, His deepest condolences and His best feelings of compassion, imploring the God to surround the deceased with His mercy and His blessing, and to grant patience and comfort to his family.


HM the King says he shares the feelings of the family of the late Naciri in this painful ordeal, remembering with great esteem the merits of the great deceased. With this death, Morocco has lost one of its most accomplished men, a man devoted to the love of the country and who fought tirelessly to raise it higher, while showing a sincere attachment to its constant values and sacred causes.


The Sovereign adds that these are his noble qualities that have qualified the deceased, rightly, to occupy many high functions and missions, whether at the academic, governmental or diplomatic level and which he accomplished with know-how, wisdom, discretion and skill.


In these blessed days of the holy month of Ramadan, the Sovereign implores the Almighty to reward the deceased amply for his good works in the service of his homeland and to welcome him among the Virtuous.

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