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Joint Declaration Morocco and Hungary
Joint Morocco-Hungary declaration following the official visit to Morocco, on June 9, 2021, by the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Peter Szijjarto, who held talks with MFA. Nasser Bourita.

1.    The official visit to the Kingdom of Morocco, of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Mr. Péter Szijjártó, was an opportunity to deepen the talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, on ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation and consultations on issues of common interest.

2.     The two sides welcomed the dynamic which has marked relations between Morocco and Hungary in recent years, and the mutual interest they have shown in continuing to expand furthermore the fields of their bilateral cooperation.
3.    The two sides agree on the imperative role of reforms in the development of nations. To this end, Hungary welcomes the far-reaching reforms undertaken over the past two decades under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the renewed efforts for political, economic and social development.
4.    Hungary affirms its support to the path set by His Majesty the King, Mohammed VI to place Morocco in a dynamic of openness, progress and modernity, and welcomes the new Moroccan Development Model and the process of advanced regionalization.
5.    Morocco welcomes the efforts and the results achieved of the Hungarian government on national and regional levels in the field of political, economic and cultural development.
6.    The two parties welcome the strengthening of relations between the legislative institutions of the two countries and stress, in this regard, the importance of the contribution of parliamentary cooperation in the consolidation of bilateral relations.
7.    The two countries emphasize the importance of raising the level of their economic cooperation and trade to that of the excellent political bilateral relations. In this context, the two parties agreed to hold the fourth session of the Joint Economic Commission in Budapest within the next six months, to identify new areas of mutually beneficial cooperation in accordance with the priorities of both parties.
8.    Morocco and Hungary commit to encouraging cooperation between companies in top priority sectors, including but not limited to the fields of finance, agriculture, industry, education, information technology, energetics, water, health and sustainable development.
9.    Both parties welcome and promote investment opportunities for Moroccan and Hungarian companies in their respective countries in sectors such as agroindustry, IT, AI, digitalization, start-ups, green technology, health and water.
10.    Morocco and Hungary welcome the excellent bilateral relations in the field of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Morocco welcomes the increase in the number of scholarships granted to Moroccan students to continue their studies in Hungarian universities, from 150 to 165.
11.    Following the successful cooperation in student mobility – thanks to the Stipendium Hungaricum program – both parties are emphasizing to put in place concrete research and development programs and projects in mutually valuable fields. In this context, both parties welcome the recently signed bilateral Research and Development agreement.
12.    Morocco and Hungary welcome their political coordination on matters of common interest at the level of international and regional organizations. In this spirit, and in order to strengthen this coordination, the two parties agreed to initiate political consultations on a regular basis between the two countries and welcome the expansion of the cooperation to the V4 Group, and will consider the idea of V4+Morocco high-level meetings.
13.    Morocco and Hungary underline their positive and constructive roles in maintaining stability, security and peace in their respective regions and note their attachment to these principles as well as to a peaceful conflict resolution, and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states.
14.    Hungary welcomes, in this regard, the serious and credible efforts of Morocco, as a regional pole of stability and privileged partner for development in Africa.
15.    In this spirit, Hungary reaffirms its support for the efforts led under the exclusive auspices of the United Nations, with a view to reaching a political, realistic, pragmatic and lasting solution to the question of the Sahara, which is based on the notion of compromise.
Hungary supports the Moroccan proposal for the Autonomy Plan, presented to the Secretary General of the United Nations on April 11th, 2007.
Hungary supports the development efforts undertaken by Morocco in the region.
16.    Morocco and Hungary underline the importance of developing cooperation, partnership and dialogue between the EU and its southern neighborhood and with the Euro-African area, in order to provide joint responses to all the challenges facing these regions, particularly in terms of security, stability, migration, socio-economic and human development.
17.    Hungary welcomes Morocco’s decisive and exemplary role in fighting against terrorism and illegal migration, as a strategic partner of the European Union.
18.    The two sides reaffirm the importance of promoting “the Euro-Moroccan Partnership for Shared Prosperity” as an innovative framework for a strategic and privileged relationship in the service of their mutual interests, in accordance with the joint Morocco-EU declaration adopted on the occasion of the 14th session of the Association Council, held on June 27, 2019 in Brussels.
19.    Hungary welcomes Morocco's action in favor of the development of a new model of South-South cooperation. In this spirit, the two sides stress the importance of promoting trilateral cooperation between Morocco and Hungary and their partners on the African continent.
20.    Morocco and Hungary welcome the evolving international development cooperation of the parties based on a strong partnership between the two countries, a new element of which will be the joint development program envisaged by the V4 countries and Germany. The parties are committed to the successful implementation of this joint endeavor.

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