Notifications (3)
- AU Summit: Morocco Reiterates Commitment to Principles of Good Neighborliness & Non-Interference, Emphasizes Pressing Need of Combating Terrorist & Separatist Groups
- Morocco Remains Committed to Joint African Action in Service of Africa’s Noble Causes, Its Citizens’ Vital Interests
- AU-PSC Heads of State Meeting: Morocco Firmly Opposes Military Solution to Sudanese Crisis

We will take the necessary measures to ensure the legal framework which guarantees the continuity and stability of trade relations between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco.
We remain fully mobilized to maintain cooperation between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco, in a climate of serenity and commitment, in order to consolidate the Euro-Moroccan Shared Prosperity Partnership, launched in June 2019. We will continue to work to develop the multiple dimensions of this strategic partnership, in the same spirit of mobilization, coherence and solidarity.
This equal partnership is based on a solid bilateral relationship, based on trust and mutual respect, between the Kingdom of Morocco and the European Union, while contributing to the strengthening of this relationship and that with member states.