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Communiqué conjoint : Le Maroc et la Colombie réaffirment la volonté de SM le Roi et du Président Duque de consolider le partenariat bilatéral
The Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Colombia reaffirmed, on April 6, 2021, the will of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and President Ivan Duque to further the multidimensional partnership between the two countries.

During a working meeting, in virtual format, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Epatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia Claudia Blum, reaffirmed the will of the two heads of state to continue consolidating the multidimensional partnership existing between Morocco and Colombia, in particular within the framework of active and mutually beneficial South-South cooperation.

In this regard, MFA Bourita and Ms. Blum exchanged viewpoints on the strategic and exemplary relations uniting the two countries and examined the new prospects linked to the bilateral partnership, said a joint statement issued at the end of the meeting. 

The two ministers welcomed the positive and sustained dynamic characterizing relations between Colombia and Morocco at the political, economic and cultural levels, reflected by a fluid and constructive political dialogue, and supported by shared views on several regional and international issues.

In this regard, they welcomed the fruitful exchange that marked the third meeting of the Political Consultations, organized in Rabat, on February 14, 2020.

In addition, the two officials pledged to mutually pursue the dynamic of advantageous and diversified sectoral cooperation between Bogotá and Rabat, reinforced by the second session of the Colombia-Morocco Joint Committee, held in Rabat, on February 13, 2020, by taking full advantage of the great potential of the two countries in various priority areas, such as agriculture, tourism, crafts, security, culture and sport.

In this regard, the Colombian top official reiterated the invitation extended to MFA Bourita to pay a working and friendship visit to Colombia.

At the end of this meeting, the two ministers welcomed the common will to strengthen the bilateral legal framework and noted the positive prospects it will offer in various areas of shared interest.

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