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Brussels, (MOFA) - The European Union reiterated through its chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, its position on the Moroccan Sahara.

In his response to a MEP's question, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, assured that the EU's support for the population in captivity in Tindouf was granted out of pure humanitarian concern.

The EU is helping the population in the camps "only for humanitarian purposes and to meet
development needs" M. Borrell underlined. He also explained that the EU’s stance " is aligned with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and is in favor of the search for a realistic, achievable and lasting political solution that is based on compromise".

M. Borrel reaffirms support to "the efforts made by the UN Secretary-General to continue the political process aiming to reach a just, realistic, pragmatic, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution to the issue of western Sahara, based on compromise in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions, and in particular Resolution 2468 of 30 April 2019.”

On other aspects of the Morocco-EU partnership, the head of European diplomacy underlines that " the two partners have expressed their wish to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the years to come. They are also aware of the importance of a response to the challenges facing Africa and they undertake to promote initiatives in favor of peace in the continent, particularly in terms of peacekeeping, mediation and crisis management, by ensuring the development of a comprehensive approach combining the security dimension and human development ".

Morocco and the EU also express, he adds, “their attachment to regional cooperation, both through the Arab Maghreb Union and bilateral dialogue between Maghreb neighbors and through their involvement in structures associating European countries and North African countries, such as the Union for the Mediterranean and the 5 + 5 Dialogue”.


Based on the Political Declaration adopted by Morocco and the EU, for the first time, a common language regarding the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, the head of European diplomacy reiterates the clear and unequivocal position of the European Union, which puts forward the political solution based on realism and compromise with the latest UN resolution as a reference.

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