Liberian Foreign Minister: “Liberia Reaffirms 'Unshakable' Support for Morocco's Territorial Integrity”

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وزير الخارجية الليبيري: "ليبيريا ملتزمة بموقفها الثابت الداعم لحق المغرب في وحدته الترابية وسيادته الوطنية "
Rabat, (MoFA)- Liberia maintains its unshakable position in support of the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco, said, on Monday in Rabat, Liberian Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, who is on a working visit to Morocco.

"As a country, we wish to reaffirm to His Majesty the King, and to the Moroccan Government and people that Liberia maintains its unshakable position in support of Morocco's territorial integrity and national sovereignty," Saah Kemayah stated at a joint press briefing with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, following bilateral talks.

Liberia also reiterates its solidarity with the Kingdom of Morocco in defending its national cause, which is an issue of interest to all Moroccan people, in accordance with the principles of its foreign policy, said Liberia's top diplomat.

Liberia's foreign policy is based on the principle of preservation of territorial integrity and national sovereignty, and that is why Liberia does not hesitate to support the Kingdom of Morocco in defending its national cause, he explained.

Liberia also remains determined to strengthen its fraternal relations with the Kingdom of Morocco at the diplomatic, political, economic and human levels, the Liberian official went on, saying that the two countries, which are "partners and allies," will continue to support the position on African solidarity and unity as well as coordination in international fora.

Mr. Saah Kemayah also lauded his visit to Morocco, the first mission abroad since his appointment as Liberia's foreign minister, which reflects, according to him, the excellent relations between the two countries.

For its part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita welcomed the "positive and constructive" stance of Liberia on the Moroccan Sahara issue.

He also stressed that Liberia has actively supported the international legality and the legitimate rights of the Kingdom of Morocco to this part of its territory, particularly at the United Nations.

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