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Libyan Dialogue: Comprehensive Agreement on Transparent and Objective Criteria and Mechanisms to Occupy Posts of Sovereignty (Joint Statement)
Bouznika, (MOFA) - The delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and the Tobruk Parliament announced on Thursday in Bouznika, at the end of their meetings as part of the Libyan dialogue, that they reached a comprehensive agreement on the transparent and objective criteria and mechanisms to occupy positions of Sovereignty.

Both parties also agreed to continue this dialogue and to resume these meetings during the last week of this month in order to complete the necessary measures to ensure the implementation and activation of this agreement, said the final joint statement read by Driss Omran of the Libyan House of Representatives, in the presence of Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita.

The two parties to the dialogue called on the UN and the international community to support Morocco's efforts to create the right conditions and a conducive climate to achieve a comprehensive political solution in Libya, reiterating their thanks and gratitude to the Kingdom and to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, for the support and assistance to overcome the Libyan crisis and achieve the hopes of the Libyan people and their aspirations to build a civil and democratic State that enjoys peace, security and stability.

They also affirmed that their meetings, which took place in "a friendly and fraternal atmosphere marked by understanding and consensus", were held as a result of their awareness of the current situation in the country, at different levels, an extremely dangerous situation threatening the security, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the State, born of negative foreign interventions that revive wars and regional and ideological alignments.

Both parties also stressed that these meetings take place in application of Article 15 of the Libyan political agreement reached in Skhirat and in confirmation of the conclusions of the Berlin conference supporting the political solution and on the basis of the relevant Security Council resolutions, and are explained by their awareness of the dangerous repercussions arising from the political and institutional division which has caused the citizen to lose confidence in the role of the legislative, executive and institutions due to the poor living conditions at all levels.

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