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ستيفاني وليامز تؤكد دعمها للجهود المبذولة في إطار محادثات بوزنيقة لحل الأزمة في ليبيا
Rabat, (MOFA) - The acting UN envoy to Libya, Stéphanie Williams, has expressed her support to the efforts made within the framework of the Libyan dialogue in Bouznika, aimed at contributing to the success of the process under the auspices of the United Nations in order to find a solution to the Libyan crisis.

Ms. Williams described "her visit to Morocco at the end of August as very good, noting that she is in permanent contact with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, as well as with other officials of the Moroccan government".

Referring to the continuation of this dialogue, the UN official stressed that the discussions focused mainly on article 15 of the Libyan political agreement, relating to positions of sovereignty, such as the Central Bank, the head of the Anti-corruption Commission, the president of the High Electoral Commission, the Attorney General or the president of the Judicial Council.

She recalled that the talks in Bouznika between the delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and the Parliament of Tobruk mainly focused on the skills required for the appointment to these positions and that the discussions should not deal with specific names, noting that the recommendations will then be submitted to the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum for consideration.

"From what I understood from my discussions with Moroccan officials, there is a desire to bring together the presidents of the Libyan High Council of State Khaled Al Mechri and of the House of Representatives Aguila Saleh, to approve and sign together the agreement reached between the two delegations", declared Ms. Williams, expressing her "support for this initiative and for all efforts aimed at ensuring the success of the process led by the United Nations, in the interest of both Libyan parties".

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