Mediation for Peace in Libya: Morocco, "Important and Respected" Actor (American Expert)

"The only way to end this conflict without a total victory, which is improbable, is to reach a negotiated solution. And Morocco certainly has strong assets," said the American specialist in a statement to MAP, referring to the Kingdom's commitment to a peaceful resolution to the Libyan conflict with the holding in Bouznika of the dialogue between the delegations of the High Council of State and the Parliament of Tobruk.
Weitz, who had previously worked at Harvard University and the US Department of Defense, added that Morocco is a regional stakeholder that is very familiar with the situation on the ground, and his good offices are very high.
The advantage also for Morocco is that it is not perceived by any party to the conflict, as a disruptive force, he said, noting that at the time when the United States intends to re-engage on this issue, and while the Europeans are looking for a mediator, Morocco will have a critical role to play with a view to a political compromise which brings together, on an inclusive basis, the various Libyan actors.
"Morocco would have a good role, and HM the King is very respected, he is perceived as a good partner of the United States (...) and we have seen how he enjoys strong support in Europe and no opposition in Russia, China or from another major member of the Security Council," concluded the American analyst.
Through the declarations of support for the inter-Libyan talks underway in Bouznika from the United Nations, the European Union, the African Union and even the Arab League, the international community hailed the constructive and active role of Morocco which has contributed, since the beginning of the Libyan crisis, to the efforts aimed at achieving a peaceful resolution of the conflict in that country and the promotion of peace and stability in the region.