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Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI
Rabat - His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolences and compassion to president of the Lebanese Republic, Michel Aoun, following the tragic blast that occurred in the port of Beirut, claiming several victims and causing significant material damage.

In this message, His Majesty the King presents to Aoun and to the grieving families as well as the brotherly Lebanese people, His deep condolences and sincere feelings of compassion, praying God to welcome the victims in His holy mercy and to grant the Lebanese president and the relatives of the victims patience and comfort as well as prompt recovery to the wounded.

The Sovereign also expresses to the Lebanese president, in His personal name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, His sincere feelings of compassion and solidarity with Lebanon at this difficult time, assuring him that the Kingdom of Morocco stands steadfastly by the brotherly Lebanese people.

His Majesty the King implored the Almighty to preserve Lebanon from any misfortune and to ensure its security, tranquility and stability.

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