Message of Condolences from HM the King to President of Sao Tome and Principe Republic Following Death of Former President Carvalho

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برقية تعزية من جلالة الملك إلى رئيس جمهورية ساو طومي وبرانسيبي على إثر وفاة الرئيس السابق للجمهورية إفاريستو كارفاليو
His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolences and compassion to President of the Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Carlos Vila Nova, following the death of the country's former president, Evaristo Carvalho.

In this message, HM the King expresses, on this sad occasion, in His personal name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, His sincere condolences, while requesting Vila Nova to convey the expression of His feelings of compassion to the family of the deceased and the brotherly people of Sao Tome and Principe.

"The late President Carvalho was always keen to promote the special, brotherly relations rooted in close friendship between our two countries. May he rest in peace," says the Sovereign.

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