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السيد بوريطة: مخرجات الاجتماع التشاوري لمجلس النواب الليبي تشكل نقطة تحول هامة في المسار السياسي
The results of the consultative meeting of the Libyan House of Representatives will be an "important changing point with a great impact on the political process," said, Saturday November 28th in Tangier, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita.

"The results of the meeting, for instance convening the next meeting of the House of Representatives on Libyan territory, constitute an important changing point with a great impact on the political process," MFA Bourita said in remarks delivered at the closing session of the consultative meeting that was held on November 23-28 in Tangier.

Morocco's Foreign Minister commended the atmosphere surrounding the consultative meeting, imbued with the spirit of responsibility and patriotism, as well as the awareness of the importance of this stage and the fundamental role of Libyans, especially of the House of Representatives, in accompanying the critical stage of Libya's political process.

He also highlighted Morocco's constant readiness to support the will of Libyan deputies and the international community to ensure that the meeting of the House of Representatives takes place to enable this legislative body to carry out its role and responsibilities.

In that regard, MFA Bourita voiced hope that the meeting of Tangier will be a starting point for the House of Representatives to fully play the role assigned to this institution by the Political Agreement.

"The current political stage requires a harmonious House of Representatives that moves in one direction, where geographical and political divisions are over, and that works as a single body at the service of Libya and Libyans," he added.

In remarks delivered on behalf of the Libyan MPs who attended the Tangier Meeting, Lower House Deputy, Mr. Ahmed Chalhoub said that Morocco's role in "breaking the ice" will be engraved in the memory of Libyans. Such a role reflects the interest that brotherly Morocco has in Libyans, he went on.

Mr. Chalhoub also praised Morocco's role in unifying Libya's Lower House and in establishing the right atmosphere to this end. The next meeting of the House of Representatives, thanks to Morocco's efforts, will be a historic day for Libyans.

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