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MFA Bourita and European Commissioner Várhelyi Discuss EU Support for Structural Reforms, Carried out Under Leadership of His Majesty the King
The European Union's support for structural reforms, carried out under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, was at the heart of talks held on April 15 through videoconference between minister of Affairs foreigners, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita and the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Mr. Olivér Várhelyi.

The scope of the structuring reform projects in Morocco, carried out under the high guidelines of the Sovereign, requires a consequent mobilization of all the instruments of the European Union to support Morocco in the post-Covid19 context with the shared objective of a dynamic and rapid socio-economic recovery, said MFA Bourita;

During these talks, the two officials welcomed the new dynamic experienced by bilateral relations, materialized by a strengthening of joint action at the political, economic, financial and security levels as well as the opening of promising cooperation prospects in future-oriented areas;

This virtuous dynamic, made possible by the Joint Political Declaration adopted in June 2019, contributes to foresee the conclusion of new strategic and mutually beneficial partnership projects in the near future.

Bourita and Várhelyi also agreed to develop a strategic framework of actions for the implementation of the EU's New Agenda for the Mediterranean and the accompanying Economic and Investment Plan, especially since these two instruments are in perfect convergence with the Kingdom's priorities, drawn up by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

For his part, Bourita evoked the issue of the categorization of Morocco in some lists which challenges insofar as it does not take into account the global nature of relations and goes against the adopted partnership approach.

In this regard, the minister recalled that dialogue and consultation must constitute the basis of the Morocco-EU partnership, far from any automatism and unilateralism, in order to provide the balance, clarity and predictability necessary for its sustainability.

The two officials agreed to continue and intensify their coordination to act in the interest of relations between Morocco and the European Union.

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