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MFA Bourita holds talks with the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, received on November 16, 2021, in Rabat the African Union (AU) Commissioner for Political Affairs, peace and security, Mr. Bankole Adeoye.

The meeting focused on peace and security in the African continent, the reforms and initiatives carried out by the AU, as well as the role of Morocco within the Pan-African Organization.
In a press statement following their meeting, Mr. Bourita said he was happy to welcome Mr. Bankole Adeoye who is on a working visit to Rabat, adding that with his election, Morocco is confident that the Commission is in good hands.
Addressing the reform process initiated within the Commission, the Minister stressed that Morocco would reinforce peace and security in the continent, on the basis of the essential principles related to governance, parallel diplomacy as well as peace and stability.
Mr. Bourita noted that the reform of the Commission for Political Affairs, Peace and Security won’t be achievable without having the Peace and Security Council reformed first. Morocco is ready to bring support to this process he added.
He also affirmed that the Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI makes of Morocco an active player, since its return to its institutional family, stressing that Morocco remains committed to come with constructive positions to promote peace and stability in the African continent.
The Royal Vision also considers that Africa has all the capacities and skills, especially human ones, to overcome the challenges which it faces and to ensure its development along with its stability independently.
The African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security underlined the importance of Morocco's major role in terms of good governance, stability and security on the continent. He also added that, during the last 6 months, the Commission has been involved in the execution of its new organization chart with Morocco’s active participation.
Mr. Adeoye noted that it is essential to consolidate the reform process in the field of peace and security, through working closely with all member countries of the African Union in a spirit of concord.
He also recalled that Africa has all means and tools to provide African solutions to African problems. It is from this perspective that the African Union work to fight, more effectively, terrorism and violent extremism.

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