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MFA Bourita held talks with his Hungarian counterpart
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, had a phone call on March 18, 2021, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Hungary, Mr. Peter Szijjarto.

During these talks, the two ministers praised the excellent relations between the two countries, which have developed continuously since the last visit of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, to Hungary in 2016.

Strengthening relations with the Republic of Hungary, a member of the Visegrad Group, is part of His Majesty the King's Vision, that of diversifying partnerships with the European Union.

The dynamics between the two countries are given a new impetus with an ambition to diversify the areas of bilateral cooperation and to establish a model of strategic partnership, based on the new European Union neighborhood policy, in which Morocco is considered a reference.

The two ministers also agreed to work jointly towards other regions, capitalizing on the assets of Morocco as a gateway to Africa and of Hungary as a gateway to Central Europe.

Mr. Szijjarto also praised Morocco’s exemplary management of the Covid-19 crisis, in particular the success of the vaccination campaign, which illustrates the credibility of Morocco as a reliable partner on the international scene.

The Hungarian Minister welcomed, on this occasion, Morocco's contribution to the political process in Libya and hailed its role as a peace and stability advocator, both in Africa and in the Middle East.


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