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السيد بوريطة: المغرب يعتبر التسريع بتشكيل الحكومة المؤقتة في ليبيا عنصرا أساسيا لتدبير المرحلة الانتقالية
Rabat - Morocco considers the acceleration of the formation of the interim government in Libya an essential element to manage the transition phase, said on Friday in Rabat, minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita.

The establishment of this interim government will clarify the vision on the Libyan political path, MFA Bourita pointed out at a press conference following talks with the President of the Libyan Parliament, Mr. Aguila Saleh.

This process must take place in an atmosphere of harmony among Libyans and be an element for unifying institutions and visions in Libya, and not be a stage to deepen divisions and tensions, MFA Bourita underlined, noting that Libyans need a government that is approved by the Libyan Parliament and representative of all regions and orientations with a view to managing this transition phase, meeting the needs of the Libyan people and preparing the elections which are scheduled to be held on December 24th.

MFA Bourita recalled, in this regard, the telephone conversation he had earlier today with the Libyan Prime Minister, Abdul Hamid al-Dabaib, during which he underlined the Kingdom's unwavering positions and support in favour of this important stage.

The minister added that he assured al-Dabaib that the Kingdom's only goal is to help Libya and the Libyans to get out of this stage and preserve the country's unity and integrity, keep it away from foreign interference and restore its essential role in the Maghreb, North Africa, the Arab world and Africa as a whole.

Regarding the discussions he had with the President of the Libyan Parliament, MFA Bourita said that it was an opportunity for dialogue and listening, and to renew the full support of the Kingdom of Morocco for Mr. Aguila, the House of Representatives and all the legitimate Libyan institutions.

The minister stressed that the role of Mr. Aguila in the transition phase in Libya is a fundamental one, based on the legitimacy that he enjoys and his territorial extensions and representativeness in order to move forward towards defining the parameters of the transition period that will lead to elections, which will finally resolve the issue of legitimacy in Libya.

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