MFA Bourita: Morocco Welcomes Election of Libyan Interim Executive Authority in Libya

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وأضاف السيد بوريطة، في ندوة صحفية بمناسبة الدورة العادية ال34 لقمة الاتحاد الإفريقي، التي تنعقد عبر تقنية التناظر المرئي، أن المملكة تهنئ الأعضاء الجدد للمجلس الرئاسي الليبي، وتنوه، كذلك، باختيار وزير أول في شخص السيد عبد الحميد دبيبة.    وسجل أن المملكة المغربية تعتبر أن من شأن خلق هذه المؤسسة الجديدة تعزيز السلطة التنفيذية في قيامها بالمهام والواجبات التي ينتظر منها الشعب الليبيي.    وأشار الوزير إلى أن المغرب يعتبر أن الأمر يتعلق بخطوة مهمة في اتجاه توحيد المؤسسات، ودعم الاستقرار، والاستجابة للحاجيات الي
The Kingdom of Morocco welcomes the election by the UN-led Libyan Political Dialogue Forum of an interim executive authority in Libya, minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, said on January 7, 2021.

Morocco congratulates the new members of the Libyan Presidential Council and welcomes the choice of the Prime Minister in the person of Mr. Abdelhamid Debaibah, Bourita pointed out a press briefing held in Rabat on the occasion of the 34th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union.

The Kingdom considers that the creation of this new institution will reinforce the executive authority in fulfilling its missions and meeting the expectations of the Libyan people, the minister added. Morocco believes that this is a major step forward towards unifying institutions, strengthening stability and meeting the needs of Libyans, in addition to creating the necessary conditions for the holding of the next elections scheduled for December 24, 2021, MFA Bourita pointed out, expressing the wish that all Libyan institutions would support the interim executive authority in the accomplishment of its missions.

MFA Bourita recalled the meetings held in the Kingdom over the past few months at the request of the Libyan brothers and the Kingdom's positive interaction in accordance with the high instructions of His Majesty the King, which also contributed in a significant way to the creation of a climate of confidence that enabled Libyan stakeholders to address the challenges and make supreme interests of Libya and its citizens prevail.

Morocco, in accordance with the High Royal Guidelines, will work with the interim executive authority and all the legitimate institutions in Libya to ensure the success of the next elections so as to strengthen the stability and development of this brotherly Maghreb country, MFA Bourita added.

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