MFA Nasser Bourita: Champion Countries' Meeting Confirms Morocco's Leadership

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M. Bourita: La réunion des pays champions de la mise en œuvre du Pacte de Marrakech vient confirmer le leadership du Maroc en matière de migration
The 1st Ministerial Meeting of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) Champion Countries confirms the leadership of Morocco in this field, said Morocco's Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, MFA Nasser Bourita, on March 25, 2022.

Morocco's leadership in the field of migration is based on the enlightened vision of HM the King on the national plan and the immigration policy, launched in 2013, which has yielded convincing results and is considered today as a "reference" for immigration policies in other countries, said Bourita during a press briefing at the end of this meeting.

The Minister also recalled the leadership of the Sovereign at the regional and African levels, particularly in the context of the African agenda on migration, as well as the role entrusted to HM the King by African leaders, as African Leader on migration, to unify the countries of the Continent around a single language and a single strategy concerning both Africa and its relationship with its partners.

MFA Bourita also stressed that thanks to the leadership of His Majesty the King at the international level, Morocco hosted in 2018 the meeting that led to the adoption of the Marrakech Pact, noting that the ministerial meeting of the champion countries is part of this framework, especially since it comes before the holding of the First International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), scheduled for next May.

In this sense, he stressed that the champion countries will take part in the New York Forum with reference to the Rabat Declaration that was issued at the end of the work of this ministerial meeting, which highly praised the role of HM the King, the African leader on migration.

The champion countries have also reiterated their full support for the Global Compact on Migration and their commitment to continue working together for a successful and solid implementation, he said, stressing that migration issues must be addressed in a consensual framework, far from any tension.

The Minister also said that today's ministerial meeting is of particular importance, as it is the first of its kind to bring together champion countries from different continents.

It also comes before the IMRF scheduled for May, he added, noting that the champion countries have worked to ensure coordination to confirm that the Marrakech Pact remains the reference in the field of migration and that its implementation is the most effective and most appropriate to meet the challenges imposed by migration.

The meeting offered the opportunity to exchange data and discuss the difficulties hindering the implementation of the Pact, recalling that HM the King had stressed that the Pact "is not an end in itself. It only makes sense through its effective implementation".

MFA Bourita also said that this meeting comes at a time when the migration issue, which raises tensions, is instrumentalized, hence the importance of the Marrakech Pact as a framework and international reference to speak the same language and adopt the same logic in relation to this issue.

The meeting culminated in the adoption of the Rabat Declaration in which participants highly commended the role of HM King Mohammed VI as the African leader on migration and reiterated their full support for the Marrakech Global Compact on Migration.

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