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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, delivered, on March 06, 2024 a speech during the 161st ordinary session of the Arab League's Council at Foreign Ministers Level

On this occasion, Mr. Nasser Bourita pointed out that the Kingdom of Morocco's commitment to the Palestinian issue, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, is "constant, concrete and cannot be the subject of outbidding or slogans”.

Mr. Nasser Bourita stressed that "the Kingdom of Morocco, on the instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, insists on the paramount need for an urgent, comprehensive and lasting ceasefire, to guarantee the delivery of humanitarian aid without hindrance or restrictions, to reject attempts to forcibly displace civilians and to respect international law and international humanitarian law.”

Referring to solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian people, the Minister recalled that Morocco had, on the High Instructions of His Majesty the King, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, sent large quantities of urgent humanitarian aid including foodstuffs and medical supplies, while other aid had been delivered by the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency, the executive arm of the Al-Quds Committee, to the main hospitals and social institutions in charge of emergency medical and social cases arising from developments in the Gaza Strip.

He noted that, in parallel with this humanitarian action, the Arab League Council at delegate level remained in permanent session to monitor developments in Gaza.

The Minister recalled that Morocco "had called, on the instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, and in coordination with our brothers in the State of Palestine, for an extraordinary meeting of the Arab League Council at ministerial level to be held on October 11, 2023, during which we stressed the need for a ceasefire, to spare civilians, to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid and to prevent attempts at forced displacement.”

"Anyone who believes that peace and stability in the Middle East can only be achieved through military solutions or plans to displace the Palestinians is mistaken, for this will only exacerbate hostility, revenge and extremism, and plunge the region into an endless cycle of anarchy and violence,” he added.

He said that peace, as repeatedly emphasized by HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, will remain the strategic option for the region and the only way to guarantee peace and stability for all its peoples.

The Minister also called for a reorganization of partnerships between the Arab League and other regional groupings and major powers, based on a strategic Arab vision that would enable the opportunities offered by these partnerships to be exploited, while respecting the specific characteristics of Arab peoples and their national identities.

Referring to the situation prevailing in many Arab countries, which are still experiencing political crises, wars and conflicts, such as Yemen, Sudan and Syria, Mr. Nasser Bourita pointed out that Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, is driven by the hope of seeing stability restored in these states, by promoting dialogue and peaceful initiatives, far from the logic of force and military solutions.




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