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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, held talks, on June 5, 2023 in Rome, with the Chairman of the Italian Senate's Committee on European Union Policy, Mr. Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata.

In a press statement following his talks with Mr. Nasser Bourita, Mr. Di Sant'Agata underlined the vision of HM King Mohammed VI in the fight against radicalization and the Sovereign's commitment to consolidating democratic values and freedom.

The Italian senator stressed that these issues require attention at both bilateral and multilateral levels.

The former head of Italian diplomacy said that he had exchanged views with Mr. Bourita on the bilateral relations between Morocco and Italy, which are developing "very positively in all areas" in terms of political exchanges, cooperation on security issues, the economy and climate challenges, as well as participation in multilateral organizations in which the two countries cooperate very actively, as well as relations between Morocco and the EU.

He also hailed the "strategic, advanced and special" partnership between his country and Morocco, noting that the two countries share a concern about "the proliferation of small groups and entities that have spread across Africa" and threaten stability and security on the continent.

Mr. Di Sant'Agata also noted significant convergences between the Italian government and Morocco's "humane, egalitarian and sustainable vision" of development.

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