Speaking at a joint press conference with the U.S. Secretary of State following their talks, MFA Bourita said that Morocco-U.S. relations are based on a solid, ambitious and multi-faceted partnership, in accordance with HM King Mohammed VI's farsighted vision, and they’re also based on the personal relationship between HM the King and the U.S. President, Joe Biden, since their meeting in 2016 in Marrakech.
Referring to some aspects of this partnership between the two countries, MFA Bourita mentioned the international coalition against Daesh and the joint efforts to fight against terrorism and extremism, the African Lion joint military maneuvers scheduled for next June, and the organization of the Africa-U.S. Economic Forum scheduled in July in Marrakech, emphasizing the richness and diversity of this partnership.
MFA Bourita further noted that relations between Morocco and the United States transcend the bilateral framework to encompass the Middle East and Africa as well as other regions in the world, adding that the Morocco-U.S. partnership is based on common values and interests convergent vision on a set of international and regional issues.
He stressed, in this regard, the strong willingness of HM the King to further develop these relations within the framework of multiple mechanisms available to both countries, citing, the strategic dialogue initiated two weeks ago as well as the dialogue on human rights, in addition to the free trade agreement, the only instrument of its kind between an African country and the United States, and which has boosted bilateral economic relations.
Expressing the hope that this agreement can contribute to the promotion of U.S. investment in Morocco, MFA Bourita also referred to the importance of the charter on the Millennium Development Goals in the development of the Kingdom and the solid mechanisms of security and military cooperation carrying many initiatives between Morocco and the United States.
In this regard, the Minister expressed the ambition of Morocco that this bilateral partnership will be exemplary and solid in view of its historical roots and its ability to be in line with the challenges on the international and regional scenes.
He also expressed his gratitude for the U.S. as one of the signatories of the Trilateral Agreement signed before HM King Mohammed VI in December 2020 through which Morocco restored its relations with Israel, producing positive outcomes that could serve the interests of the Moroccan and Israeli peoples, noting the positive results of this agreement called to strengthen further in support of concrete and promising projects for the peoples of the region, particularly Morocco's and Israel's.
According to MFA Bourita, the Morocco-U.S.-Israel Trilateral Agreement confirms the need to reach a lasting and just solution in the Middle East, within the framework of the two-State solution, establishing a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders with Al-Quds East as its capital, living side by side with Israel. He added that this solution is in line with the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, for a city of dialogue, coexistence and cradle of all religions.
Furthermore, MFA Bourita said that his talks with Secretary Blinken focused on the Morocco-U.S. partnership in Africa in the face of potential challenges and the exploitation of immense opportunities offered in the economic, trade, climate, infrastructure, health and security areas, ensuring that the African continent is a space conducive to bilateral cooperation.
He emphasized the importance of Blinken's visit to Morocco, which illustrates the strength of this partnership and the potential that must be seized in this context for the benefit of the interests of both countries and both peoples, in addition to security, stability and development in regions that are the subject of a strong interest.