MFA Nasser Bourita holds talks with his Austrian counterpart

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M. Nasser Bourita s’entretient avec son homologue autrichien
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, had a phone call, on March 12, 2021, with the Minister of European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria, Mr. Alexander Schallenberg.

The two ministers highlighted the excellence of the bilateral relations and affirmed their strong will to provide an impetus, by introducing new areas of cooperation, such as renewable energies.

On this occasion, the Austrian Minister praised Morocco's exemplary management of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, in particular the vaccination campaign conducted under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

The Austrian minister also congratulated Morocco on its consecration, in the last European Communication on the Neighborhood, as a strategic partner of the EU, adding that the Kingdom of Morocco represents a pole of stability in the whole region and the African continent.

The ministers welcomed the convergence of views and the consistency of their consultations on regional and international issues of common interest, in particular the situation in Libya and the Sahel region.

MFA Bourita and Mr. Schallenberg agreed to coordinate their action regarding several issues at the multilateral level and within international fora.

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