Both parties welcomed the opening by the Gambia of its Consulate General in Dakhla on January 7th 2020, while Bourita assured Tangara of the readiness of the Kingdom of Morocco to avail its experience and expertise in the fields of economic and social development at the disposal of the Republic of the Gambia for the achievement of its 2018-2021 development plan.
The two Ministers expressed the wish to further develop bilateral cooperation between the two countries in several fields such as renewable energy, agriculture, infrastructure, training, water, education and the exchange of experiences in the field of water management and dam construction.
In this regard, the Ministers agreed to schedule the 3rd Session of the Joint Commission for Cooperation and an Economic Forum in Banjul, at a date to be determined through diplomatic channels. Several wide-ranging draft cooperation agreements are being finalized, covering the areas of energy; trade; industry; double taxation; agriculture; youth and sports; religious affairs; investment promotion; tourism; and cultural affairs.
On this occasion, Mr. Tangara thanked Mr. Bourita for the provision of scholarships which has contributed in developing human capital and discussed the possibility of increasing the quota to accommodate the cadre of Gambian youth technicians.
The two sides pledged to support each other on issues relating to their core interests, the statement noted, adding that on the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, Tangara reiterated the unwavering and continued support of his country vis-à-vis the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco and lauded the efforts undertaken by Morocco to find a stable and lasting political solution for the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.
Furthermore, he praised the credibility and the primacy of the Moroccan Autonomy Plan as the sole basis upon which to settle this issue, while reiterating the full backing of the Republic of the Gambia to the role played by the United Nations as an exclusive and consensual framework to reach an enduring solution to this regional dispute and to the African Union decision 693 adopted by the 31st Summit in July 2018, formally supporting the United Nations process in this regard.
During this meeting, the two Ministers expressed their willingness to further strengthen the strategic communication and coordination between the two countries in the various multilateral meetings and fora, such as the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN), and agreed to instruct their Permanent Representatives in New York, Geneva and African Union to coordinate actions and decisions regarding issues of common interest.
The two Ministers also agreed to provide support to one another's candidatures vying for various positions in continental and international institutions.